The Summer of Psi Begins!

May 5, 2009

On May 1st, the revolution began. Psiphon Inc. was officially announced. Our development team is working feverishly to code up the impending release of Psiphon 2.0. Parallel to their efforts is the Summer of Psi project.

Inspired by Google’s Summer of Code, your humble author, Jeremy Vernon was brought in to be the Summer of Psi Guy, guiding Psiphon and its community through a process of upgrading and expanding. The Psiphon project will be better and more open than ever.

There will be a lot of changes – new tools for managing the software, new platforms to communicate with you, our users and contributors, and of course a new version of the Psiphon code.

I’ll be chronicling the activities taking place throughout the Summer of Psi and soliciting feedback from you, so please comment! The whole team values all your help in making Psiphon the premiere open source censorship circumvention software.